

Juni 2008


Velero und Gucci

Veleros Pfote ist nun gesund aber er trotzdem nicht mehr vermittelbar. Denn auch erfahrene Pflegemütter sind nicht immun gegen Pflegestellenfieber. Susi möchte die beiden Brüder, die sich blind verstehen, nicht mehr trennen. So bleibt Velero, der jetzt Aristo heißt, bei seinem Bruder Gucci, der voher Guaperas hieß. Verwirrend? Nein. Im Klartext: Susi behält sich die beiden Geschwister …

Mai 2008

Velero ist nun bei seinem Bruder Guaperas bei Susanna in Österreich auf Pflege. Doch er ist im Moment nicht vermittelbar. Er hat seine Pfote unter einen Pferdehuf gestellt und jetzt hat er so an die 20-25 Nähte an den Zehen … Jetzt muß er leider noch eine Weile bei ihr bleiben bis zur völligen Wiederherstellung.

Velero ist ebenfalls ein Bruder von Guaperas, Gus und Torero. Vier von sieben Geschwistern konnten wir aus Spanien bergen!



Description well-being: 20-11-2007; in perfect condition, blooming with health, well-feed,
well-mannered. They don’t have a bad record, but a glorious past. They were taken care of down to the last detail. They have what it takes. They are one great big family
History: abandoned because their owners (two cousins) seem to act without thinking. Lovely puppies grow into adults and a large family cost a lot of energy to take proper care for. The “success” of their breeding has gone to their head and was at loggerheads with their wallet. The dogs are the loser and victim. Nice family they have! The owners also told “It just are dogs”. Then I wander why would it be, if you spell their name backwards god is what you see! The dog-family hold their head high by the abandoning. From the first moment they met Juan, they surrender unconditionally and accept him as leader of their pack.
CHARACTER: sensitive, extremely sweet and affectionate, sympathetic, noble, well-balanced disposition,
easy-going, uncomplicated, extrovert, intelligent, obedient, docile, pliable, noble, well-socialized,
well-educated, uninhibited, proper, likeable, enviable, amiable, self-controlled, well-developed
self-image, self-confident, self-respect and self-mockery, self-supporting, ability to do things
independently, carefree, unafraid, assured, lively, playful, curious, inventive, social, loyal,
in the best spirits, eager to please and learn, aching for attention and recognition. All cherish their lives and have allure. They enjoy to be petted and patronized. They have a tractable character. They grew up in a family. They have a strong sense of family, fond of their relations. They are going through their adolescence and explore the world entirely. It’s the talk of San Anton that Juan, master in the art of shelter-living, isn’t feeling lonely: where he is there are all boys too; like the Pied Piper of Hamelin!
All boys put a spell on Juan. Will they put a spell on you??? A home-sweet-home will be the crown on their lives! They have so much trust and unending love. They are a gift from heaven above. They like to get it even better than before. A home, soft bed, love, affection and so much more!

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