Juni 2008
Bea hat ihre Familie gefunden und um den kleinen Finger gewickelt. Liest selbst: „Hallo ihr Windi-verrückten! Bea (Beatriz) ist heute auf der Alten Donau (Hundezone) das erste mal so richtig erwacht und hat Lupita und Jimmy ein bissi herumgehetzt. Gabi und ich sind soooo happy mit unseren Nasen (hoffe die Nasen auch mit uns). Liebe Grüße. Katzen: Nicki & Mitzi; Hunde: Akira & Bea; Menschen: Gabi & Bernhard“
Date of birth: at a rough estimate 2 years old
Gender: female
Height: 63 cm
Sight: black & white
good looking, soulful eyes
Date of entrance + description well-being: 13-3-2008;in reasonably physical and mental
health, skinny, teased by parasites, timid and shy about
left in the lurch, the abandoning seems a great blow to her
History: abandoned because she was more clever than the hare
Character: sensitive, extremely sweet and affectionate, noble, docile, charming, gentle, tender, mild-mannered, well-balanced temperament, well-behaved, tolerant, cheerful harmonious, trusting soul, easy-going, uncomplicated, carefree, confident, spontaneous, playful, curious, lively, unafraid, alluring
Social behaviour: Beatriz likes to be near and dear humans. She directly establishes a relation with us. She likes to be petted. At first Beatriz is on distance with strangers and uncertain in new circumstances, but she warms up quickly. She’s tolerant, loyal and playful in contact with the other dogs. She feels self-assured in the pack and she can take good care of herself. She feels at home in the shelter
Additional info: Beatriz has a steady character and a heart of gold. She’s easy to take care for. She’s satisfied with little. She knows what she wants. She knows how to give and how to take. Beatriz knows how to set up her life and she has settled her past. Beatriz tunes her life to her circumstances. Beatriz has her head straight for future!